
dr-dr-immanuel-fruhmannThe content and all rights of this site are reserved to Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann, Knight of the Order of St. George. A European Order of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen / Ritter des St. Georgs-Ordens. Ein europäischer Orden des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen.

ViennaNow is a site about critiques of gastronomies in Vienna. It’s related to the gastro-critiques sites i.e. GrazNow, LinzNow, KlagenfurtNow, StyriaNow, OberösterreichNowBerlinerNowCopenhagenNow, NoviSadNow and for international critiques GoodTimesNow.

The author Mag. Mag. Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann is a Graz-born philosopher and andragogist, graduated from the University of Graz, and educated in Individual Psychology (ICASSI – Prof. Dr. Eva Dreikurs-Ferguson, University of Southern Illinois, USA), Applied Communication Techniques and Change Models (Kikidan, Berlin, Germany), as well as many courses in HR, OD, and communication trainings (Center for Social Competence, University of Graz), who works as stress-coach internationally, and heads the Institute for Systemic Stress Management based in Graz. Further Websites:

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